#DeflateGate reminds me of this Wonder Years clip (Kevin = Colts, his throat = the football, Norma = the NFL) http://t.co/aYCJRrRXaa
— Mark Vandeusen (@LucidSportsFan) January 24, 2015
"Of course the human throat is always red, but fortunately my mother never looked at it when I wasn't complaining."

Also, this facebook comment adds another great argument I havn't heard anyone make:
Jay Isabëll People are in such a rush to convict that they're not looking at the logistics involved with carrying out this cheat. I think it's more magical that somebody could deflate 11 balls to exactly 2 lbs less without being seen. That is time consuming son. How does one avoid not letting out too much air or too little air, to exactly 2 lbs, 11 times in a row? It's WAY more likely that the balls showed up underinflated at the same pressure and refs failed to check them at all. Refs are BUSY in pregame and this regulation is so insignificant I find it hard to believe that all refs carry out ball checking every single football game. That's just me.
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