it's saturday. there's a parade. i have to work soon. that's it for today. my cell phone doesn't zoom, but that is the stanley cup in the first two pictures. and definitely turn the volume way up to watch the video.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
it's saturday. there's a parade. i have to work soon. that's it for today. my cell phone doesn't zoom, but that is the stanley cup in the first two pictures. and definitely turn the volume way up to watch the video.
Friday, June 17, 2011
i LOVE this budweiser flag can!

i'm also really proud of budweiser for giving this can to the original "heavy" instead of bud light. i don't really get why bud light is so much more popular than regular bud. i've been drinking it since i was a poor college kid and first started going to bars, because i knew i was getting more alcohol for the same price. and if you didn't already know that, or want to learn more about the alcohol content of drinks, read this.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
bruins win stanley cup in first ever 7 game sweep
this had to have been the least close 7 game series in any sport ever (although now that i just said that the celtics 2008 1st round vs atlanta comes to mind); bruins dominate 4 games and canucks squeak by in 3. i have done no research on this, but i'd be willing to bet there's never been a 7 game series before where the winning team was +15 in goals scored. one year ago today, at the wharf pub in edgartown, i watched the celtics lose a painful finals game 7. coincidentally last night i was back in the same bar for another game 7, but with a much better outcome. shortly after the game ended a guy said to me it reminded him of the patriots first superbowl victory, because it felt like it came out of nowhere. i couldn't agree more, did anybody see this coming? 7 titles in 11 years now for the city of boston, with all 4 teams winning in the past 6 and a half years. unbelievable.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Some revealing numbers from the LeBron James Finals debacle
- In six NBA Finals games, Lebron was the leading scorer in exactly zero of them.
- He scored 107 pts, which was the 3rd most on his team, and the 5th most of anyone in the series. But he also played the most minutes of anyone by far (262), a whole quarter and a half more than Dirk, and almost two and a half quarters more than Wade.
- That works out to 19.6 pts per 48 min. The NBA average this season for all qualifying players was 20.2 pts per 48 min.
- Lebron was 4th on his team in free throw attempts in the series, behind Wade, Bosh, and Mario Chalmers.
- He averaged exactly 3 pts per game in the 4th quarter.
I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point. If you watched this series but did not previously know any of the players, you would have thought Lebron was maybe the 5th or 6th best player on the court. The Jordan comparisons that everyone wanted to make just a short time ago seem completely absurd now. But just for argument's sake, Jordan was 6-0 all time in the finals. Lebron is now 0-2.
One more thing worth noting, in the history of the NBA there are only 6 players who have been named league MVP but never won a championship: Rose this year, Iverson, and Barkley all won the award once. Nash, Karl Malone, and Lebron are the only 2 time MVP's with no rings.
Click here to read more of my blog "LucidSportsFan: 37 seconds of sports and other stuff i care about" or follow me on twitter @LucidSportsFan or "Like" my facebook fan page.
Click here to read more of my blog "LucidSportsFan: 37 seconds of sports and other stuff i care about" or follow me on twitter @LucidSportsFan or "Like" my facebook fan page.
And I can't not mention the "Bad Teacher" trailer that ran non-stop during the Finals; priceless. "IT'S THE ONLY ARGUMENT I NEED SHAWN!" Love it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
heat lose, B's win, but holy $#!& red sox! just when i think they can't get any better they do
i kinda feel like i'm beating a dead horse with the red sox lately, but they just keep pouring it on. 9 wins in a row. if you watched sunday afternoon's rout, you probably just though you were watching "sox in 2" from the day before. they made toronto look like a AAA team, outscoring them 35-6 over the weekend. gonzo leading the majors in RBI is no big surprise, but he's also leading the AL in hitting right now at .341. and guess who's 4th: david ortiz batting .325 (he's also 4th in home runs with 17). either papi's hopped in the wayback machine to 2004, or he's been secretly hanging out with jose bautista and bartolo colon:
and how about jacoby?! after being hurt all last year, i was worried he'd struggle with the trade rumors and people questioning his injury. but he's 6th in hitting at .318, 2nd in double with 21 (behind gonzo), and back atop the league in steals with 24. not to mention lester and beckett continue to lead the league in wins and ERA respectively, blah blah blah. this team is a juggernaut right now, they may run away and hide from the rest of the AL.

Monday, June 13, 2011
heat schedule championship parade for tuesday, plan to celebrate their second round victory over boston
the heat have scheduled their championship victory parade for tuesday afternoon in downtown miami. sources inside the organization say they will be celebrating the defeat of the boston celtics in the eastern conference semifinals, and they are counting on their loyal fans to come out and show their support. when asked if he thought the parade was a good idea, chris bosh said "hell yeah! we had a championship party before the season started, so why shouldn't we have one now that it's over?" dwyane wade added "i lost to the celtics in the first round last year, so beating them in the second round this year was a dream come true. and i think my sidekick lebron is super pumped for this parade, he lost to them last year too." when asked to comment, lebron james said "yeah, i'm excited, i'll definitely be out there with my teammates. oh, but i will have to leave early and let the rest of them finish without me."
(yeah, this article is fake, but these pictures are real.)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
agave nectar is so hot right now

i'm kinda pissed. i really just wanted the first clip, but i couldn't find it on youtube with video, so i had to throw the second one in too. i was feeling awesome about this blog, now i just think it's pretty good.