Sunday, October 25, 2015

One of the most amazing/telling Patriots stats I've ever seen

As I watched the Patriots-Jets game today, for most of the afternoon I felt as though the Pats and Tom Brady looked the worst they have all year:

Yet somehow, New England still scored 30 points and beat a previously 4-1 team by a touchdown as Brady went 14-for-17 for 150 yards and two TDs in the fourth quarter.  Even though Brady (and his slippery-fingered receivers) didn't play that well, he still finished with 355 yards passing because he threw the ball 55 times.

The Patriots ran a total of 64 plays on offense with only nine rushing attempts--tying an NFL record for the fewest ever in a victory.  Four of those attempts were by Brady, who's 15 yards on the ground made him New England's leading runner for the first time in his career.

Now here's the amazing/telling/mind-blowing stat:

To rephrase that tweet:

Total number of wins when throwing the ball 80 percent of the time in the last 10 years:
Brady/Patriots: Four
(in four chances, 100 percent)
Rest of the NFL: Three
(in 112 chances, 2.7 percent)

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